What is going on here? Well, right now...nothing.
Soon, there will be a great deal of reviews, commentaries, and general snark about books, games and movies that I think are cool, really suck, or just generally want to call attention to. Ideally, they will be fun to read and informative, but we'll see how it goes. Who am I, that you should value my opinion so much? Well...nobody, really.
I'm married, have three kids, and like to collect things, mainly books, games, and movies. My life goes between randomly sucking and being a boatload of fun, and is generally pure chaos. I have delusions of writing grandeur now and again, but I'm not a "pro" by any means. I'm just a guy who likes games and stuff, and feels like I have something vaguely interesting to say, now and then.
So...yeah, that's pretty much it, thus far. Stay tuned, I swear to god it gets more interesting.
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