Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A unjoyful lull - Happyguy...has run out of happy.

Stripped a gear in there somewhere....
Sorry about the somewhat...sporadic updates lately.  Have had to do some adjusting, my wife has started school, kids heading back to school as well, getting ready for a new job...it's just been a tad...stressful.  That being said, I really want to get back to (hopefully) posting a game a day...or, failing that, every other day.

Granted, I'm pretty sure this is being read by about...four people, half of them my family, but I still feel a sense of obligation.  With that, I also have a question for my fan(s).

Would you like to see some console games as well?  Commercial games?  General posts about my life?  Actually start posting up some books and movies as well?  I think a little direction could go a long way, and I feel just a smidgen lost.  I like the freeware/indie game stuff mainly because I feel like reviewing a game you can't play is a tease.

Anyway, comment, say hi, weigh in...I'll try and get re-wound asap.

1 comment:

  1. Frankly, I'd read any and all of those suggestions you posted.

    (This is a deadly moose, by the way.)
